老師生動地解釋了遞歸呼叫的概念,並通過具體的例子演示了費波那契數列的計算過程。 老師耐心指導,使得我能夠順利掌握這一概念。 這堂課讓我對遞歸算法有了更深入的認識,期待能夠應用到更多的問題中。 This class has enhanced my understanding of recursive algorithms, and I look forward to applying them to more problems.
老師對於程式設計重要名詞的差異進行了清晰的解釋和指導。包括執行期錯誤、語意錯誤、語法錯誤以及動態記憶體配置和靜態記憶體配置等概念。老師的教學方式深入淺出,讓我能夠迅速理解這些複雜的概念,並且能夠在實際編程中應用。 The teacher patiently answered my questions and guided me through practical exercises, deepening my understanding and mastery of these important terms.
評価した講師Ophelia💖complete courses/explanations of programming questions💫No longer afraid of writing programs✨
29/01/2024 19:59
This programming course is truly a great value! The teacher explains each concept in a clear and concise manner, and the hands-on exercises in the course really help deepen understanding. I used to find learning programming languages a bit challenging, but this course has enlightened me. The teaching style of the instructor has boosted my confidence, and I look forward to applying what I've learned in future projects.